To embellish the wonderful, newly completed Nunawading Community Hub, a public artwork was commissioned by a selection committee on behalf of the City of Whitehorse. A comprehensive submission process took place that saw a significant cohort of contemporary Australian artists apply, with Torres Strait artist, Brian Robinson being selected as the successful artist.
Robinson has interpreted the Wurundjeri creation story in a suspended installation above the main public space in the Nunawading Community Hub.
Robinson says that mythical tales explaining the origins of landforms and all manner of natural phenomena are part of the folklore of all peoples. Australia’s First Nations peoples have ancestral Dreamtime myths about the beginnings of their part of the world. Theses stories are told through oral teachings and creative forms that lay down song-lines criss-crossing the continent. These stories and song-lines have continued to teach generations of descendants, stretching back for tens of thousands of years, about the rhythm of life.
The feathers in Robinson’s work are suspended, at great height from the ceiling, with each measuring ten metres in length and approximately 1.5 metres in diameter.
This project was made possible by Whitehorse City Council and curated by One Space.
Brian Robinson (2020)
Nunawading Community Hub, Nunawading, VIC, Australia