
“Over mountains and under the sea, we’ll find some dreams for you and me.”

Children’s Health Queensland and Metro North Hospital and Health Service came together with families of children who passed away at the former Royal Children’s Hospital to dedicate a special memorial artwork in their honour. 

Located close to the site of the former hospital, in the gardens of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, the artwork is dedicated to all children whose lives were lost too soon during the hospital’s 135-year history.

The vibrant sculpture “And on the third day flowering plants sprung from the earth,” by Brian Robinson, features two circular blooms eternally interconnected, referencing floral wreaths laid in loving memory at funerals; a mandola, an ancient symbol signifying divine light and sacred moments transcending space and time; and the above inscription, which many may remember from one of the murals that once decorated the walls of the RCH. 

This artwork honours and preserves the lasting connection we know many families across Queensland and Australia have with the site, and it is wished that the peaceful garden setting offers them a quiet, reflective space to remember their loved ones.


Brian Robinson (2019)

Curated by

One Space

Queensland Children’s Hospital Arts Program, Metro North Queensland Health

Requested by

Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Qld, Australia




